Torrent of Grace: An Evening of Worship with Sean Tobin
During the last Mass at the Catholic Charismatic Conference March 31, 2019, in New Orleans, LA, the following prophetic word was given during the song “Overshadow Me” by Sean Tobin. It was this word that gave birth to the Evening of Worship November 10, 2019. “I am releasing upon you a torrent of grace. I am releasing upon you a torrent of grace, not just a current of grace, but a torrent of grace. This day will mark the release of a torrent of my grace, pouring out not only upon you but upon the whole world. Enter under this torrent of grace. Receive this torrent of grace and receive it now. The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come’.”
Prophetic Words by the CCRNO Team During the Worship
“My children return with me to the garden. Come away with me this night, my children. I call you to come away with me back to the garden, the way it was before sin entered the world. My children, come away with me.”
Alex Lorio
“I now desire to show you my heart, the heart of the spirit of the flesh. Look to Mary, your mother, my spouse and you will see my heart in the flesh. She is overshadowed by my presence, imbued, immersed in me. Her heart radiates mine in the flesh. Look to her bursting forth in light and you shall see my heart in the flesh. She is one with me and she will bring you into this new era of my spirit: a torrent of grace, power and my presence. What you have experienced thus far that you call a current - I tell you it is nothing in comparison to what I am about to do. Are you ready? Ready yourselves! Are you willing to tread the wine press with me? All is waiting on your answer for I have chosen you and I am about to do a new thing. I will cleanse my church and my people. I will purify my creation of all idols. I, the Lord will do this. I will not be mocked. I will make all thing new, under the woman’s mantle. I will empower you anew. You will be my lights in the darkness. I call you into the battle of justice. You are my chosen vessels for the new wine that is waiting to be poured out. Ready yourselves. Be bold and have courage. The spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ Now tell all to come, for now approaches the time of fulfillment. I am with you always.”
Denise Beyer
“My chosen people, I am pouring out grace for you to be bold over darkness. A new raiment of grace, an infilling of grace. I call you to stand here before me with a posture to receive, in a posture of readiness. For I want to fill you. I want to heal you. I want to strengthen you when you are weak. I want to prepare you. I want to protect you. Stand before me to receive the raiment of grace, for where I have gone you follow behind me, and I am preparing you now for the battles ahead, and the saints and the heavenly hosts and the thrones of heaven stand behind you, for I want to equip you. Stand before me to receive, receive her garment; receive her raiment of grace. Open your hearts and receive.”
Sheila Butler
“My little ones, I call you this night to empty yourselves before me. Guard what you look at, guard what you listen to. I am in every aspect of your life, says the Lord, and I long for you to be holy for me so that I might pour out my spirit, and you receive it to the full. For I tell you my people, the day is coming when I will return. I tell you, my people, link arms with the angels for there is a battle ahead. Call upon your guardian angel right now and link arms with your angel for I tell you the battle will be won by the angels and my chosen ones who I give flight with them. I tell you, my people, on this night I want you to renew yourself in me. Renew yourself in me! Renew your consecration to my Sacred Heart. Renew your consecration to my mother, and renew your baptism in the Holy Spirit. For I long to come in glory, and I long that my people would rise up and sing my praise, for in my praise and in your worship it is here that your heart will be softened and in your softened heart I will reveal myself to you, and I will reveal your sinfulness so that you will repent and be the people that I proclaim you to be, says the Lord.”
Andi Oney
As we’ve been singing that glorious song, I felt the Lord was saying to me, “There are tears that need to be shed. There are tears that need to be shed.” Sean shared with me how that song came to him in the midst of a flood of tears. Will you share that with everyone and I believe that the Holy Spirit wants to really convict us of our sins. He wants to really cause us to see the state of our hearts which are like stones. He wants to show us patterns of thinking that are destructive of peace and unity. Sean, share about the tears.”
Patti Mansfield
“So the song came from a morning of prayer. The Holy Spirit came to me in a vision. I started crying, weeping. I was so impressed by the depth of His grief. So I was crying. I don’t know how long. I cried and cried. I realized that I repented to Jesus for crucifying Him. I repented to the Father for being so disobedient, but rarely have I ever repented to the Holy Spirit for grieving Him. He is this emotional heart of God. He is the one who cries out in us, in our separation from God. He is the one from even the very beginning, the Spirit hoovering over the waters saying, ‘I can’t wait, I can’t wait. Tell me when to go.’ He was waiting, waiting for our Yes. His grief is not so much that He is hurt or in pain, and He wants us to see how much He hurts but it is His desire, desire, desire for us. I was just overcome by this moment with the Holy Spirit just grieving, repenting, crying. I realized that I am so stubborn, so stiff-necked. The flesh, the devil, the world, everything it just…. I try to be my own sanctifier sometimes. I just cried and He showed me Jesus on the cross when blood and water was coming out of His side. I saw the water. It was almost like His tears pouring out. As we know as Catholics that all the sacraments, the Church was born from the side of Christ. He was dead but He had bought a gift. The Holy Spirit is God’s gift. It is not just a current but what a gift, a torrent! So, Father, I just come before you on behalf of my brothers and sisters here. We just come, Father in heaven, in our need before you this day. Our world is so broken, our families, our children, our nation. We are divided and broken. God, we need boldness to proclaim the word. We need your boldness, God! Holy Spirit, come! We need more of you, Holy Spirit. Have your way! God, overshadow us with your power for your glory, for your glory, God! Cloth your church with your power, God. Your bride, adorn her for that wedding feast. Make us beautiful again, cleanse us, God. Cleanse us of anything that prevents us from being like you, anything that comes in the way of seeing more of you, of being obedient to you, God. You are our desire, O Holy Spirit. Your anointing is everything to us, God. We need you, Holy Spirit! Come, Holy Spirit! Come, Holy Spirit! Even now, God, fill this room, fill every heart.”
Sean Tobin
“Whereas you have been forsaken and hated with no one passing through, I will make you majestic forever, a joy from age to age” Isaiah 60:15. “Brothers and sisters, I have this sense of the Lord healing deep wounds, deep psychological wounds of the mind and heart that go far beyond the surface. They affect the way we interact with one another; they affect the way we see the world. I have this sense that the Lord is saying, ‘You have been forsaken and hated in the way you see yourself. You did not get loved yourself but I tell you that I make all things new.’ The Lord says tonight that He is healing wounds: the wounds of past abuse; the wounds of past physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse. The Lord says, ‘I am breaking chains tonight. I am breaking the holds of addictions that have been over your family, the addictions that have been over your personal lives. Behold, I make all things new. Come to me that you may have life and have it in abundance.’”
Alex Lorio
“The Lord wants to sing over you, that valley of dry bones, those places in our lives where there is brokenness in our families, anger, impatience, frustration, lust, greed, selfishness; some places where there is bondage, some places where there are lies spoken into our lives. The Holy Spirit has spoken into our lives. Allow Him to expose and open us up. God, rest in this place that you may abide here. This is your temple, God. It is time for spring cleaning., Come, Holy Spirit!”
Sean Tobin
“As we have been praying, the Lord gave me an image of a little tiny baby that has just been born. I felt like He was saying, ‘There are many here who may feel like they are in a strange world, a strange place. They don’t know the language, they don’t understand.’ The Lord is saying, ‘You are like this little baby. You are being born into a new way of life and you are to learn from those around you; the worship, the song, the prophecy is the Word being spoken to you and over you. In time you will understand and you will be able to speak that same language. It is an invitation to breathe in. There is really nothing you have to do except to receive and breathe in.’ Take the gift that He is giving. This gift of life that He is offering to you to receive.”
Sheila Butler
“My beloved children, I ask that you come to me in the Eucharist where we will unite and grow in power and love. The ecstasy of my love you have not reached yet. You will be awe struck at what I can bring to you in the Eucharist. Do not leave me just waiting for you. Talk to me, be with me, love me, I love you. The ecstasy of my love you have not ever, ever found. Come, my children. There is a new life. Do not stop walking with me. Keep coming to me day after day. Many of you will walk to the door of death. Do not fear, for I am with you. I am with you and the new life that we will live together is so awesome. The ecstasy will bring you out of your fears. Come, my children, come.”
Merce Trosclair
“I am taking you up on the mountain to be with me. You have been with me basking in my presence and glory. Now the cloud of my glory has covered you. Now I desire you to know as you leave, as you go out, that my glory, my presence has been soaking into you. You do not go out the same for you cannot be in my presence and go unchanged. Believe and have faith in me and the work that I am doing in your hearts. Believe that I have more to give you. As you go out, know that I am going with you for you have been in my presence, and you have been touched and changed.”
Denise Beyer
by Sean Tobin
I have grieved you (Eph 4:30; Ps 78:40),
I've made you cry (Lk 19:41).
Tears like a river (Ps 119:136), flowing out of Jesus' side (Jn 19:34)
Your Name is Holy (Lk 1:49),
You're the breath of peace (Jn 20:22) The power that created the heavens (Jer 10:12; Ps 33:6)
Coming as mercy (Tit 3:5; 1 Pet 1:3).
Overshadow me, Oh Lord (Ex 40:34; Lk 1:35; Mk 9:7)
Cause my life to speak your word (Ez 36:27)
Come like fire from above and rest on me (Acts 2:3)
Take from me this heart of stone (Ez 36:26)
Let it beat for you alone (Ps 86:12) Reach out your hand with signs and wonders (Acts 4:30)
I have grieved you, but you forgive (Lk 23:34)
You roll the stone away and make me live (Rom 8:11)
Spirit of Adoption (Rom 8:15), Promise of the Father (Acts 1:4) You're raising up a generation of Your sons and daughters (Rom 8:14,16)
Ruach... (Gen 1:2; Is 42:1; )
In your fire and flood (Is 59:19) of water and blood (1 Jn 5:8), baptize me (Mt 3:11)
In your fire and flood of mercy and love, set me free (2 Cor 3:17)
In the power of your grace invade and fill this place (1 King 8:11; 2 Chron 5:14)
Holy Spirit, come and have your way.
We are burning for more of you (Rom 12:11; Lk 24:32),
breakout across the room (Acts 2:2) Holy Spirit, come and have your way